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How to Know A Quality Evaporative Cooling Fabric From...Well From the Other Stuff. Part 3 - Cooling Duration

Writer's picture: Ioannis AnastasakisIoannis Anastasakis

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

kewlfabric 7101

Over the past two weeks, we have discussed two of the three key elements in evaluating the quality of your personal #coolingsolutionABSORBENCY and COOLING CAPACITY.  KewlFabric 7101 passes the absorbency litmus test, exceeding other supposed evaporative cooling fabrics by a significant margin both pre and post machine washing.  KewlFabric 7101 also passes the Cooling Capacity litmus test with a Qmax score of 0.23 W/cm2.  But these two elements alone to do not make a superior #activecooling solution.  Afterall, what does it matter if you absorb alot of water and have a high Qmax score, if your cooling solution only lasts 1hr in an 8hr work day or a two hour competition.

Thus, the final key element in a superior active cooling solution, DURATION.  How long will your cooling solution cool you below the ambient temperature?  Well, we at KewlFabric Solutions tested for that as well, and the results were pretty amazing when compared to other cooling solutions.  We compared KewlFabric 7101 to a cooling vest made by a competitor using a microfibre material.  For the first 90mins both items maintained a relatively equal temperature, but then the competition just … well just look at the below chart, where “A” (the yellow line) is KewlFabric 7101 and “B” (the purple line) is the competition.

evaporative cooling duration

KewlFabric maintained a steady temperature 12 degrees celsius below the ambient room temperature of 34 degrees celsius for 10hrs and counting.  The competition stop cooling at about 90mins.

evaporative cooling duration

evaporative cooling standards

KewlFabric 7101 is the superior cooling solution on all three measures of Absorbency, Cooling Capacity and Duration.  Now one last check.  Is it safe?  Well of course it is, and of course we at KewlFabric Solutions took the time to run the tests to prove it.  Check in with us in two weeks when we go over the extensive testing, and verifications we have gone through to make sure we developed and manufactured a cooling fabric safe for you to use.

The Technology of Kewl!  Beat The Heat!  Get It Done!


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