You hear a lot of talk about different ways to stay cool or how best to use #coolingvests to combat heat fatigue and heat stress. I have tried to emphasize throughout my writings that the best way to combat #heatstress or #heatfatigue is like solving most problems in life, a balanced combination of several things.
Never forget the value of rest, shade and water. Know your limits and know how to recognize when you are reaching your limits. But how and why can a cooling vest push you farther and extend your "limits"or rather extend how much you can do in the heat?
It is all about how the cooling vest helps your body to regulate your temperature. One of the many ways your body can regulate its temperature is by expelling heat out through the skin causing the evaporation of sweat, which in turn also cools you. The longer your skin can stay cool, the longer your body will be able to expel heat through your skin. As your skin gets hotter, it absorbs less and less heat from the body's core. Your body/core will require greater blood flow for temperature management meaning less blood flow to the muscles as the body prioritizes core cooling. An evaporative cooling vest helps keep your skin temperature cooler for longer, keeping the use of blood flow for body temperature regulation use to a minimum, so that more blood flow can continue to feed your muscles. A cooling vest is simply helping your body manage itself in a way it always has. For more details on how this can work see our various studies and research.
Where an #activecooling evaporative cooling vest utilizing #kewlfabric excels, is in its ability to "supercharge your body's natural cooling process" by surrounding you with a layer of water held by the vest. This water held by KewlFabric evaporates to keep you (your skin areas) cooler longer through active cooling vs passive cooling (simply evaporating your sweat). There are no chemicals, there is no freezer burn, there are no dangerous attempts to "cool your core". It is simple and easy evaporation of water.
This process of active cooling through super charging your body's natural cooling process with a cooling vests has been field tested and lab tested repeatedly. Professional athletes and workers in the industrial safety area have been using cooling vests for a decade or more. Now we just need to get everyone else aware of the benefits of an evaporative cooling vest.
Contact KewlFabric Solutions to discuss how you can add a cooling solution to your product line and meet your customer's heat management needs for 2024.
